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Mission Statement

We are Resurrection Catholic Church, a faith community committed to the spirit and ideals of Vatican II and rooted in the charism of the Congregation of the Resurrection. Convinced of the limitless and unconditional love that God has for each of us, we seek to give expression to that mystery through A worship of joyful praise; A fellowship that lovingly embraces our diversity without bias or prejudice; A multitude of ministries that boldly witness to the gospel value of justice, truth, and love. By the authentic living of our charism, we hope to provide a warm welcome to all, that they may come to a deeper knowledge of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and experience the hope, joy, and peace of His Resurrection.

Facebook Events

Facebook Events

See the currently scheduled streamed masses on the parish's Facebook events page. Note that a Facebook account is not required to view the streams.

Current Scheduled Events

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Donate Online

If you are unable to make it to mass, please consider donating online.

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Check out the current bulletin for more information on events and activities planned at our parish.
