Holy Week Reflections-Holy Thursday:
COVID-19 situation
People of Faith Activities, from our Alive in Christ Curriculum
Virtual Tour of the Vatican Museum
LifeTeen Journal Prompts

Welcome! This year our activities and reflections will focus on living our faith. We will take action to bring the love and compassion of Christ to our world. We are opening the doors of the church and following Jesus’ footsteps out to meet the world where it is, as it is. On First Sundays of the month, Confirmed teens can serve as peer leaders or attend the adult session.

Each month, junior high and high school teens have an opportunity to serve in the local community. See our calendar for upcoming opportunities!
Nothing is quite so energizing as bringing youth from all over together to worship, pray, and share. Youth Conferences and retreats are terrific opportunities to re-energize our youth and keep them engaged in their faith lives. We will be offering a retreat and youth conference to rekindle the flame of the Spirit in the hearts of our Confirmed teens.